Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Window Muntins

Okay, the truth is that I stopped by 416 Race Street yesterday and the contractor—Ashwood Enterprises—had already installed the custom railing on the front porch. Unfortunately I didn’t have my camera on hand, so I’m only supplying you with an older picture. This is one of several pictures that I’ve delayed posting, simply due to the volume of work at the office…

Quite a few changes have happened to this house since my last post. The windows have been installed, with the notable exception of the stained-glass window and the wooden attic window—both of which are being restored. All of the windows that face the street are made specifically to insulate the interior from sound of traffic in the front of the house. I had never seen these windows before. They were quite a bit heavier than standard windows; if you tap them with your finger you can hear the difference. These windows make the interior of the home pleasantly quiet. Another notable difference was provided by the addition of window muntins (i.e., the grid over the windows). I expected them to make a difference to the exterior of the property, but I was surprised by how much more pleasant it made the second-floor bedroom that faces the street. It’s amazing what a big difference a little thing can do.


Working on it...